



Agarwal Car Transport George Town - Agarwal Car Carriers George Town

Agarwal car transport in George Town in INDIA is always providing, just so the body of the vehicle is easily visible for the driver’s inspection.

A full inspection will be performed prior to shipment. You or a designate must be present for the inspection and will be required to sign the bill of lading and a vehicle condition report; the bill of lading will be received both at the point of origin and at the vehicles destination. It is in your best interest that you are at this inspection yourself. Any discrepancies on the condition report upon delivery must be marked on the condition report and signed.

Personal Items: Do not leave or transport anything valuable in your vehicle. United Routes LLC or its agents are not responsible for anything loose inside your car, including cell phones, radar detectors, removable radios, household goods, sunglasses, etc. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) prohibits the carrying of personal items on a truck licensed only for carrying automobiles. Stored personal items can also increase the overall weight of your vehicle, and could cause damage during transport. Any items left in the vehicle are subject to removal upon inspection at state lines by the DOT.

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