



Agarwal Car Transport Pudur - Agarwal Car Carriers Pudur

Agarwal Car Transport in Pudur in INDIA, is some companies are fudging their numbers of bit, keeping two sets of logs in order to increase the amount of hours they drive, oftentimes illegally. Is it an scourge, We do not know a numbers is vary, but I do not imagine that everyone is doing it, because the ramifications can be pretty devastating if they get caught. Still, we do know it happens, and that is why the EOBR has been introduced. One company is working on integrating it into their existing fleets, but as it isn’t mandatory some drivers are saying the technology is too complex for them, which is comprehensible to a degree, though it could just mean they don’t want to have to be accountable for all the hours they drive.

Agarwal Car Transport Pudur, Laws have been put in place to limit for how far and how long long-haul drivers can actually be on the road, mainly for protection reason. Too many drivers in the past have tried to book it and drive long hours to drop off loads; remember, the more often they can deliver current loads and pickup new loads, the more opportunities they have to make money, and the car shipping industry is a competitive one at that, so getting from A to B to C to D as quickly as possible is imperative.

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